The work of the Heritage Trust is not only carried out by our staff and board of directors, but by the amazing cadre of volunteers who give us their time, energy, ideas, and talents. We rely on volunteers to help us with all aspects of our work to protect natural areas on Lummi Island.
Volunteers help to maintain trails, guide nature walks, install signage, clear noxious weeds, mow fields, plant gardens, collect biological data, assist with graphic design, take photos, help with mailings, organize events, fundraise, work on committees, serve on the board, and much, much more.
If you would like to get involved as a Heritage Trust volunteer, please sign up!
Volunteer Descriptions
Our special events happen periodically and we need folks who like helping set up or teardown. This includes setting up and removal of chairs, tables, canopies, temporary fencing, etc.
Time Commitment:
1-3 hoursTraining & Qualifications:
Volunteer Waiver, ability to lift 30 pounds -
Stuff, sort, seal, and mail LIHT appeals, newsletters, year-end mailings, and postcards throughout the year.
Time Commitment:
1-2 hoursTraining and Qualifications:
Volunteer Waiver -
We welcome all sorts of assistance in keeping our trails clear and safe, from cutting brush, removing invasives, clearing debris, and alerting us to any downed trees. We’d appreciate a call if you see something that needs to be taken care of right away. We’re always grateful for nature photos too.
Time commitment:
As neededTraining and Qualifications:
Volunteer Waiver -
Whatcom County requires us to remove Tansy Ragwort from the Aiston Preserve. We are also encouraging islanders to remove Scotch broom from their property. Help us remove these noxious weeds by joining a work party or borrow tools from LIHT to remove them yourself!
At the Aiston Preserve, volunteers search for plants, pull or dig them out, and then bag them. The primary focus is on flowering plants. We bag flowering and very small plants, and we leave non-flowering plants to dry on a hard surface before we compost them.
Time Commitment:
2 hour periodic work partiesTraining and Qualifications:
Volunteer Waiver -
We need volunteers to help us run summer youth programs, such as Nature Explorers. Volunteers lead hikes, teach classes and curriculum, and supervise children in the field.
Time Commitment:
2-hour sessions, four times during July & AugustTraining and Qualifications:
Volunteer Waiver, General Background Check