Heritage Circle & Planned Giving
A planned gift, also called a legacy gift, is a contribution that is arranged in the present but realized at a future date. By making a planned gift, you become a lifelong member of the Heritage Circle. Planned gifts can take several forms:
Stock & Securities
Donating stock, securities, and mutual fund shares is an effective way to help the Heritage Trust. When you can donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, their total value at the time of transfer is tax-deductible and there are no capital gains to pay.
Retirement & Pension
Those who are 70 ½ years and older can donate up to $100,000/year from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as the Heritage Trust, without having to pay income taxes on that money. Those who are 73 or older can donate all or part of their required minimum distributions.
Will or Trust
A bequest is a gift you make through your will or trust. You may make a bequest for a specific amount, property, specified assets, or for a percentage of your estate.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is another way to make a substantial future gift. Lummi Island Heritage Trust is named as the beneficiary to receive a portion or all of the proceeds of a life insurance policy.
“It was so easy to make a planned gift, and it is wonderful to know that I am part of ensuring the future of the Trust and the beauty of Lummi Island.”
-Linda Sheek, Heritage Circle Member
To learn more about how to make a planned gift to LIHT, contact Alika at alika@liht.org or give us a call at (360) 758-7997.